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MASSCAN: Mass IP port scanner

Git hub project


This is an Internet-scale port scanner. It can scan the entire Internet in under 5 minutes, transmitting 10 million packets per second, from a single machine.

Its usage (parameters, output) is similar to nmap, the most famous port scanner. When in doubt, try one of those features -- features that support widespread scanning of many machines are supported, while in-depth scanning of single machines aren't.

Internally, it uses asynchronous transmission, similar to port scanners like scanrand, unicornscan, and ZMap. It's more flexible, allowing arbitrary port and address ranges.

NOTE: masscan uses its own ad hoc TCP/IP stack. Anything other than simple port scans may cause conflict with the local TCP/IP stack. This means you need to use either the --src-ip option to run from a different IP address, or use --src-port to configure which source ports masscan uses, then also configure the internal firewall (like pf or iptables) to firewall those ports from the rest of the operating system.

NOTE: Does Banner checking

  • FTP
  • HTTP
  • IMAP4
  • memcached
  • POP3
  • SMTP
  • SSH
  • SSL
  • SMBv1
  • SMBv2
  • Telnet
  • RDP
  • VNC


Usage is similar to nmap. To scan a network segment for some ports:

# masscan -p80,8000-8100 2603:3001:2d00:da00::/112

This will:

  • scan the 10.x.x.x subnet, and 2603:3001:2d00:da00::x subnets
  • scans port 80 and the range 8000 to 8100, or 102 ports total, on both subnets
  • print output to <stdout> that can be redirected to a file

To see the complete list of options, use the --echo feature. This dumps the current configuration and exits. This output can be used as input back into the program:

# masscan -p80,8000-8100 2603:3001:2d00:da00::/112 --echo > xxx.conf
# masscan -c xxx.conf --rate 1000